Tuesday 9 June 2015


Welcome to my archive or reviewing blog on all things retro regarding the musical press. I think an intrest in post punk yet being a bit to young to enjoy the first wave. I was constantly intrested in the history of music. What I used to find in the 80s and early 90s the musical press had this over riding desire to find the next big band, so you would buy a musical paper but about a year down the road you would go back to the magazine and find the artists that had succeeded but also to show the path that a band had followed on the path to stardom. With the years passed you realise that the music press of the time was very DIY, as post punk was described as cottage industry. With the music press they had to change with the advent of punk. One of my first reviews of the NME in 1981 almost has this fanzine like appeal even though it was a massed produced paper.In going through the issues I find things that really intrest me , whilst others that make me laugh or other things that are just soooo dated. Hope you like the site. Simon J Allen